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AO Spine Asia Pacific 2020 Research National Grant


AO Spine Asia Pacific 2020 Research National Grant

Call for application 

The grants are intended to provide start-up funding for new spinal research projects with either a clinical or basic science focus. Early and mid-career investigators are encouraged to apply.

To apply for this grant, please complete the below application form and return to AO Spine Asia Pacific Research at researchAOSAP@aospine.org

The details of Research Grant are as follows:

•     Eligibility: At least 1 investigator must be a subscribing AO Spine Member
•     Amount of each grant: CHF 5,000 
•     Type: Start-up (clinical or basic science)
•     Duration: 1 Year
•     Deadline for submission of grant application: 18:00 Hong Kong time on 1 June 2020.
•     Announcement of awards: 17 July 2020

Agreement & Installment Timeline
Agreement should be made between AOSAP and research institute (or university). Research grant would be sent to research institute (or university) bank account, not the Principal Investigator's personal bank account.
•    Upon research grant agreement signed: 50% of total grant
•    Upon submission of satisfactory interim report: 30% of remaining grant
•    Upon submission of satisfactory final report: 20% of remaining grant

Terms & Conditions
•    Recipients must submit an interim report at the six-month interval and a final report at the completion of the project
•    The research work should be published in a peer-reviewed journal within 3 months after the agreed project end date on the research agreement. Applications for extension must be made no less than 3 months from the agreed project end date and will be vetted by the council research officer with endorsement from AOSAP research chairman. If the research officer and/or AOSAP research chairman are investigators of the award, the AOSAP chairperson will make the decision
•     All publications and oral/poster presentations must clearly acknowledge the financial support from AOSpine, stating the grant reference number
•     The investigator is expected to present his/her research stemming from this award at an AOSpine sponsored meeting or other conference, at their own expense
•     If membership of the investigator shall be expired before the end date of the research project, the investigator needs to renew membership to cover the project period
•     Investigators holding current positions are not eligible as lead investigator
•     Violations of any of the above will lead to the investigator team forfeiting the remaining grant and will not being eligible for future award consideration
Grading Procedure
1)    Applications will be assessed by at least 3 members of the scientific committee
2)    A score out of 5 will be given by each member based on the selection criteria below
•    Current scientific and clinical relevance, interest, and impact
•    Originality and innovation
•    Suitability of material and methods
•    Feasibility of expected deliverables
•    Budget requirement vs. expected deliverables
•    Reasonable time plan (preferably 1 year or less)
•    Completeness of proposal
•    Overall impression of application
3)    Submissions by investigators who have failed to complete their previous project(s) satisfactorily will not be considered for the award
Enquiry: researchAOSAP@aospine.org
Application Form
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