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The 4th Innovation with Advanced Technique in Spine Surgery

The 4th Innovation with Advanced Technique in Spine Surgery 


日期:1011215~12月16 (星期六 日)

1. 請於12月1日前完成報名

   並將報名表E-mail至 a0923529558@gmail.com
2. 採事前報名,現場繳費

   12月16日 參與大體實作費用 4,000 
聯絡人: 李孟儒 先生 




100年 進階脊椎手術實作研討會 活動花絮 紀錄照片 


更多照片  http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.226102237485966&type=1 

Time Topic Speaker Moderator
Saturday, Dec . 15th
08:00 Registration    
08:40 Welcome address     
08:50 Course outline Dr.Chyung Chy Shen CHENG-FU CHANG M.D. Ph.D
09:00 Pathophysiology of lumbar degenerative disease  Dr. Ting Hsien Kao
09:20 Surgical Experience of Navigation and MISS in VGHTC Dr. Meng Ting Wu
09:40 Surgical concepts of MISS in lumbar degenerative disease Dr.Chyung Chy Shen
10:00 Live surgery: Case presentation Dr.Yu Tung Shih
10:20 Live surgery: Navigation and MIS with Viper system Dr.Shao Ching Chao
12:30 Questions & Answers All participants  
12:40 Lunch (Group Picture of all Participants)   Cheng-Neng Chang M.D. Ph.D
13:40 Introduction of cervical artificial disc  - Discover system Dr.Chyung Chy Shen
14:00 Hybrid surgery in cervical spondylosis Dr.Chyh-Ju Chang
14:20 Live surgery: Case presentation Dr.Yu Tung Shih
14:40 Live surgery: Cervical artificial disc implantation with Discover system (Tea Break) Dr.Chyung Chy Shen
17:00 Questions & Answers All participants  
17:30 Adjournment    
18:30 Country typical dinner    
Sunday, Dec. 16th
 9:00  Introduction of MIS  Dr.Chyung Chy Shen  
 9:20  Hands-on workshop(1) All participants  
12:00 Lunch    
13:00 Introduction of 3D-CT Navigation and MIS transpedicular screw fixation-Viper system Dr.Meng Ting Wu  
13:20 Hands-on workshop(2) All participants  
15:00 Tea Break    
15:30 Introduction of cervical artificial disc implantation- Discover system  Dr.Chyung Chy Shen  
16:00 Hands-on workshop(3)  All participants  
17:20 Questions & Answers All participants  
17:30 Certification and Departure Dr.Chyung Chy Shen  
